Building People for
Kingdom Purpose
Tekton Ministries Int’l is a service ministry, founded in 2003 by Dr. Anya M. Hall, whose purpose is to educate, train, raise up and send forth strong leaders that will function effectively and efficiently in every sphere of society in order to do the most good possible by making a positive impact in their area of influence.
About the Founder and Senior Apostle
Dr. Anya Miller Hall is a native of Ocala, Florida where she was raised by loving parents that were both educators.  She was raised in a Christian home that made education, life skills, social skills, and excellence its’ focus.  These childhood lessons are still an intrinsic part of Dr. Anya’s life to this day.

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Contact Tekton Ministries Int'l
P. O. BOX 618263 - Orlando, Fl 32861